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A Glass of Orange Juice Daily Cuts the Risk of Deadly Strokes

According to a new study drinking, orange juice may cut the risk of deadly stroke by almost a quarter.

Published in the British Journal of Nutrition the study showed that people who consumed the juice every day saw a reduction in the risk of a brain clot by 24%.

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It was also observed that the rates of heart disease were also reduced in regular drinkers, who were 12 to 13% less likely to suffer from damaged arteries.

Since a very long time fruits have been a long been thought of as healthy. But buyers in recent times have been put off by warnings over their high sugar content. The researchers saw that the health advantages in terms of stroke prevention could exceed the risks from sugar content.

The researchers from the Netherlands National Institute for Public Health found a favourable association with pure fruit juice consumption. The experts also noted that it is not just orange juice that has this benefit, other fruit juices also seem to cut the risk.

Juice is thought to include many of the naturally-occurring plant materials found in whole fruit that can protect blood vessels against disease.

So if you are suffering from any heart disease try orange juice with your heart health medicine.

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