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Here is How Drinking Water Can Do Wonders

One of the most important rules for healthy leaving is 'drinking water'. Because it has much more benefits than we ever thought drinking water boosts your metabolism, flushes out toxins from your body, aids in weight loss, improves your skin health and keeps your digestive system intact. A human body needs a minimum of 6 to 8 glasses of water (2 litres) every day because many of our vital functions need water. Water is our body’s defence mechanism it helps us fight many illnesses.

 remedies for diabetes

Water plays a vital role in the body’s digestion process. Saliva that plays an important role in breaking down food into nutrients for the body, has water as its base. Drinking water further helps in the digestion of soluble fibre.

Drinking enough water helps your blood from thickening. To keep the heart function healthy one need to have enough water during the day time.

It is very important for people who are taking diabetes treatment to maintain their water intake. Dehydration in diabetics can lead to indigestion and drop in blood pressure, among other issues.

High blood sugar makes your body lose water faster, which makes it all the more important for them to drink water.

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