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Most Effective Natural Ways for Irregular Periods

An irregular period is a common problem among women today. Medically the condition is known as oligomenorrhea. There are many factors that can cause this issue such as eating disorders, weight loss or gain, anaemia, menopause, thyroid disorders, hormonal imbalance, liver disease, tuberculosis, miscarriage, and other health conditions.

 natural syrup for irregular periods

Scroll down to see some of the most effective natural ways you can induce your periods (when it's irregular) :


It's one of the most effective home remedies available to prepone periods. Raw papaya stimulates contractions in the uterus and can help in inducing periods. The carotene in papaya stimulates the estrogen hormone thereby inducing an early period.


Ginger tea is a very powerful tonic for irregular periods. If you have an extremely delayed period, then a combination of parsley and ginger tea is recommended. Ginger is believed to improve the heat around the uterus, thus promoting contraction.


It is quite warming as well. It is helpful in regulating menstruation and balancing hormones. The antispasmodic and anti-inflammatory properties relieve menstrual pain. Consume a one-quarter a teaspoon of turmeric with milk, honey or jaggery. Use it every day for several weeks or until you see improvement.


It not only makes your food delicious but also significantly contributes to regulating your menstrual cycle too. It provides a warming effect within your body. Take a glass full of warm milk and add a teaspoon of powdered cinnamon and drink it. It is even effective in eradicating menstrual cramps.

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