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Does Stress Make You Over Weight?

People with depression or anxiety may undergo weight gain or weight loss due to their condition or the medications that treat them. However, depression and anxiety can both be linked with overeating, poor food choices or more sedentary lifestyle. Over time, weight gain may ultimately lead to obesity.

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Obesity is often connected with emotional issues, such as sadness, anxiety, and depression. Obesity and other weight conditions can also lead to physical health issues. This includes joint pain, diabetes and hypertension these conditions are also risk factors for depression.

Stress can make someone more likely to turn to food as a coping system. There are several ways to control emotional eating and turn your stress into a more positive experience. But all methods require you to examine and change your habits. So you need to be serious if you want to stop stress eating for good.

One thing that normally does not help control stress eating is waiting and believing that it will change. Take active steps today to tackle emotional eating and find new healthy habits to manage stress you can also try stress relief oil to keep yourself calm and relaxed.

Fight with your depression and stress by talking don't be afraid to ask for help. Experts say talking is one of the best ways to cope up with stress.

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