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Five Easy And Quick Ways To Avoid Gases

In your digestive system, gas is a part of the normal process of digestion. Gas trapped in your intestines can be extremely discomforting. It may cause pain, cramping, swelling, tightness and even bloating.

While Herbal Medicines For Gases are an option you can try these easy ways to get rid of gas pain fast. 

  • Let it out :  If you hold the gas for a long time it can cause bloating, discomfort and pain. The simple way to avoid this is to simply let out the gas.
  • Pass stool: This is the easiest way to get quick relief. Don’t be too hard on yourself however, a bowel movement can relieve gas. This will release any gas trapped in the intestines.
  • Eat slowly: Sit properly and eat slowly. Moving or eating while eating can cause a person to take in air as well as food, leading to gas-related pain.
  • Avoid chewing gum: If you chew gum then you tend to swallow air, which increases the likelihood of trapped wind and gas pains. 
  • Choose Non-Carbonated Drinks: Carbonated in drinks, such as sparkling water and sodas, send a lot of gas to your stomach. This can cause bloating and pain.

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